Steinberg Behavior Solutions, Inc. is an in-network provider with:
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois PPO
- Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO
If your insurance carrier is not listed above, please contact Steinberg Behavior Solutions, Inc. and inquire about the possibility of getting a single-case agreement to be covered as in-network.
Steinberg Behavior Solutions, Inc. works with Missing Piece Billing and Consultation Services, the industry’s top ABA therapy billing company, to submit all claims.
Steinberg Behavior Solutions and Missing Piece work together so parents never need to spend hours on the phone with the insurance company. SBS and Missing Piece handle everything with the insurance from eligibility and authorizations to exclusions and denials.
Be sure to check out this great blog post about common health insurance eligibility questions!

"When I finally met with Sarah, she helped me break down the process into many small steps, so that my son could have success and therefore slowly ease his anxiety. The process she suggested was very clear and easy to follow, for both myself and my son."
– Rachael, Chicago